Gio's Blog

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

A true story

This happened to my brother and his wife a few years ago and it is a true stories I would like to share with you. My brother rented an old mill a couple of years ago, a very nice house with a small river next to it.
He used to tell the story that the house was haunted, that he could hear someone walking at night, water would appear occasionally on the floor without explanation and things would “move” around”. I did not believed him, and neither did the rest of the family, thinking that the house was very old and that it was just an oddity. He did not felt threatened and even used to call it “his house-ghost”. But he did found out that a woman had committed suicide in the house, a long time ago.
Then he went to Mexico, where he met his present wife, a native Mexican-Indian. They did get along very well and she decided to move to Austria with my brother.
In the beginning, everything was fine but out of the sudden, when she was alone at the house she started to hear voices, things started to move around and she freaked out. She came to the house of my parents and refused to return to the mill. She phoned her aunt in Mexico, which gave her the advice to put crosses, made of cinnamon sticks all over the house, which would provide some sort of protection from the ghost.
Since then the mysterious and unexplained phenomenon has disappeared.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one weird story

3:49 PM  

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