Gio's Blog

Monday, June 22, 2009

Facebook is evil!

Just found this wonderfully written blogentry about Facebook!

As we all know, Facebook is evil - just as all the other plattforms and webservices out there, trying very hard to get to know you just a little bit better!

So head over - to the Top 10 Reasons Facebook is Evil


Friday, May 29, 2009

Ch ch ch changes!

For quit some time now, I have been thinking on how to proceed with this blog. I came to the conclusion that all my “chit chat” and the pictures ultimately do not belong here at Over the next weeks, most of the stuff I’ve posted here will move over to and my “general” blog will continue there.

However – this blog will also continue, as a place where I’ll try to post fun stuff about computers, software etc.

Update: The new blog is already online at Check it out!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Possessed Hardware

To good to be true: I just googled "possessed hardware" and there are 575.000 search results! Seems like a lot of people out there are "true believers"!


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Take a look :-)

This is the blog of my friend about horseback riding!

Take a look if you want - its really funny and even has videos on how to ride a horse!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Storks in Austria

For the first time in my life, I saw a stork in the streets where i grew up!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blogging about twitter...

Today, Ashton Kutcher reached a million twitter followers, beating CNN. Its funny, how this phenomena is growing an*d growing. By the way - that * I used a few words ago marks the actual length of a "tweet. That's where the fun ends, or as others think - that's what makes it so funny and interesting. I work in an IT company, and it amazing to see so many clueless people, trying to figure out how to use Twitter to advertise their product and get in touch with their clients. Its the next "big thing", already compared to Google (although that's a search engine) and no one wants to miss out on it. For me its like a Déjà vu when Second Life had its peak. By the time everyone kind of understood what it was about, it was already over. Right now, a lot of my friends use it to inform me when they are eating at a new restaurant, or sharing news tidbits (that I already knew; most of the time...).

True story: A couple of hours ago, I was sitting in a cinema, about to watch Slumdog Millionair, when the room filled with smoke and we had to flee the cinema. Fortunately the fire fighters arrived in time and no one was harmed, we could watch the film on a different screen just about 45 minutes later. Just to share that little description about the incident takes more then just one tweet.

Maybe with more and more people joining twitter, it will get tiring , talking about "unimportant" things in life.

But I can't escape the trend, just like I could not escape Second life (at least for two weeks...) If you want to follow me on twitter you'll find me at - but I guess I will always be the kind of guy to write a little bit more then 140 letters....


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Aprils Fool day!

Hi there! I just realized I have not written a lot in the past year! This blog turns 5 this year, I started it in August 2004, at a time of a painful break up and boy, time has been flying! So many places that I have visited since then, so many new faces... it has been an incredible time.

The main reason this blog has become so quiet in the past year is that I started using social platforms, mainly facebook, along with missing a theme to write about, which I feel is very important to a successful and interesting log. I’ve also been toying with the idea of starting a blog in German, since writing a travellog in my first language about Argentina and Antartica turned out to be a very nice experience.

So we will see what the rest of 2009 brings for this blog!
Have a nice Aprils fool day!